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September Spotlight - The Obamas

Black History Month - All Year Long

How could we share just one measly image of the Obama family? Similarly, how could we highlight Barack and not Michelle? For the month of September, our ''Black History Month - All Year Long'' spotlight is on the Obama powerhouse COUPLE.

If you’ve been living under a political boulder, you may not know that in 2008 Obama ran for President against Senator John McCain and became the first Black President of the United States. Making Michelle Obama the first woman where she quickly took over headlines for her relatability, fashionable looks, and political opinions.

On the campaign trail in Chicago 2008, Former President Barack Obama, a Senator at the time, gave a Super Tuesday speech where he said, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

Upon choosing the Obama couple for our September 2022 spotlight, this phrase stood out and rang true. We are the ones, we can not afford to wait for anyone else.

During his Presidency Barack Obama passed the Affordable Healthcare Act, often referred to as Obamacare. This legislation helped millions of Americans gain access to insurance, increase consumer protections, emphasize prevention and wellness, improve quality and system performance, expand the health workforce, and curb rising health care costs.

Since leaving the White House, Michelle has published a book, Becoming. The Memoir talks about her upbringing, finding her voice, her time in the White House, her public health campaign, and being a mother.

Like most presidents after leaving office, Obama released his own memoir titled A Promised Land, the first in a planned two volume series. The book covers his boyhood, his early political career, and moments from his first term as President. It’s rumored that he wrote the book himself, in longhand on legal pads. Something Obama also did for a number of his presidential speeches and his first book, Dreams from My Father.

New projects include a multi-year deal between their production company, Higher Ground, and powerhouse Netflix. Producing scripted, unscripted, docu-series, documentaries, and features, Obama said they will “[touch] on issues of race and class, democracy and civil rights and much more, we believe each of these productions won’t just entertain, but will educate, connect and inspire us all”. Find the statement here.

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